Novel series are all the rage. Some authors spend their entire careers writing about the same character, or team of characters, getting into and out of one predicament or another. Why? Because it sells. When walking into a bookstore, or browsing online, familiarity sells. Because consumers are risk adverse. We want to know that what we’re spending money on is exactly what we’re looking for. That’s why there are twenty-five Jack Reacher novels and nine Fast and Furious movies.

But there’s a new kid on the block, and I’m not talking about Donnie Wahlberg.

A few years years ago, after writing several series, including the five-book Nemesis Saga, the five-book Last Hunter saga, and the Jack Sigler thrillers, which are composed of ten novels and eleven novellas, I publicly declared that I was done writing series. Mostly because I get bored writing about the same characters over and over, and if I’m bored, you’re bored. It was at this time that I adopted a new (to novels) theory of long-term storytelling: Worlds, not series.

I’ve been a comic book guy most of my life, and I started my creative career as a comic book artist/writer who shifted to screenwriting and then to novel writing. Most comic book series inhabit the same universe under the umbrella of whoever publishes them (Marvel, D.C., etc.), allowing for crossovers and massive comic book events like The Infinity Gauntlet and Secret Wars. If you’re not a comic book reader, but this sounds familiar, it’s probably because over the past decade, Marvel has brought this method of epic storytelling to movies as well. They started with solo characters (Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America), and then they brought those characters together with others in The Avengers movies while, on the side, they introduced audiences to even more characters (Spider-Man, Black Panther, Guardians of the Galaxy, Doctor Strange,and Ant-Man) all of whom came together for the two-movie Infinity War/Endgame event.

This kind of full-world storytelling is normal for comic books. It’s new for movies, but it’s clearly successful. And as far as I know, it’s unheard of in the realm of original novels. I first experimented with this in the final book of the Nemesis Saga: Project Legion. I brought together characters from most of my previous books, plucking them out of their individual dimensions to face a threat against all dimensions. But before that novel, most of these characters lived in separate worlds, which got me thinking… What if I wrote a bunch of stand-alone novels or short series and had them populating the same universe?

Over the past five years, I’ve written almost exclusively stand-alone novels, all with clear beginnings and endings. But most of them take place in the same literary universe called the…

The bridges between these novels have been growing stronger and more blatant with each release. At first, the connections were as simple as a character from a previous novel appearing in the epilogue of another, but now groups of characters are meeting, stories are blending, the web drawing them together is more complex, and it’s all leading to a massive crossover.

Infinite Timeline

Right now, there are nine merging novels and the overarching plot bringing them together is slowly coalescing. The novels currently coming together are The Others, Flux, Tribe, NPC, Exo-Hunter, Infinite, Torment, Infinite2, The Dark, and Mind Bullet. This is STAGE ONE, and was completed in November, 2021.

STAGE TWO brings together two groups of characters from several novels for two separate crossover stories. The first group merges characters from The Others, Flux, and Exo-Hunter, for THE ORDER (available now), a sci-fi thrill ride on Earth and beyond. The second group pulls characters from Tribe, The Dark, and Mind Bullet, taking this superhuman team into the underworld for a fantastical and horrific tale, titled KHAOS (October 2022).

And all of this sets up STAGE THREE. A single novel, bringing together the casts from all nine novels, for a massive spectacle titled: SINGULARITY (December 2022). The story will follow a vast cast, facing threats that have been building behind the scenes for the past several years, bridging science-fiction, mythology, and horror. Along the way, there will be plenty of action, a lot of laughs, a few tears, and a mind-blowing finale that has been five years in the making.


#1 Audible and New York Times bestselling narrator, R.C. Bray brings the Infinite Timeline to life, narrating 11 of the 12 books, all of which are top 100 bestsellers on Audible. Two of the books–The Others and Exo-Hunter–are #1 bestsellers! The Others also won a SOVAS Award and an Independent Audiobook Award, both for Science Fiction.


Below are links to buy every Infinite Timeline book currently available, in the suggested reading order. Each of them is available in audio, print, e-book, and Kindle Unlimited editions. Torment and The Order were just recently released. Khaos arrives in October 2022, and Singularity in December 2022.


  1. Anon

    is kingdom ever coming out?

    • Bob Dull

      What does your heart tell you?

      • Anon

        no 🙁

        • Dee

          Hold strong, guys… it’s coming 🙂

    • Jason Persampieri

      I a. Dying to know if Kingdom is coming out?

      • JRobinson

        It’s done and ready to go. We’re just waiting on a release date. Should be this year!

  2. K2

    I love this concept and cannot wait to read the next 4 books in this timeline!! Just have to wait in patient anticipation until they’re available.

  3. Jay

    Gonna be honest the first book I read was The Dark and was immediately hooked. After looking into it and finding the link for this page Im surrounded with all these titles I feel I need to read. The only problem was “Whats first?”. But after a newsletter e-mail answering my question I find myself halfway through the Infinite Timeline books and holy crap. Very excited to finish the already existing books and even more excited for the ones to come.

    • JRobinson

      Awesome! Glad the newsletter arrived just in time. 🙂

    • Adam Reeb

      I started with The Dark and from there I just followed the timeline.

      • Dan

        I laughed out loud when I first heard THE DARK. I truely love reading in order of these series. I just finished MIND BULLET and had the same effect of LOLing, (if that is a phrase). J Robinson, kudos to you. I took a screen shot of your series so I can read them in order. I also gave Infinate a shot and then read Infinite 2 thinking it was next, but after seeing the order on here, looks like I missed a few. Keep up the great work!

    • Cliff

      What is the actual reading order?

  4. Lisa Chenvert

    Universal Timeline!!!!!

    Big Bang Singularity?


    RockOnEmoji.jpg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What is YOUR truth?

    • Paula Washburn

      Definitely an E-Ticket ride. Exciting from beginning to end.

  5. Chelsy Nuby

    In what order should the books be read?

    • JRobinson

      Look at the Infinite Timeline chart. There are three branches. Read each branch left to right. Doesn’t matter which branch you read first. And you could mix them up. The branches indicate connections. You could read the first book in each branch, then the second, and third. All but Infinite 1 and 2 are stand alone stories. Some just have small overlaps with others, usually in the epilogue. Hope this helps!

  6. Corey Carter

    Wait, so ive been reading the books in the timeline, and I just finished Exo-Hunter and at the very end of the story there is the main character from Nazi Hunter Atlantis: Milos Vesely. I have not read that book….yet. I was just scrolling through your books after finishing Exo-Hunter to see how it has all been peicing together and I saw that title which seemed way to close to Exo-Hunter, and so I read the plot and there was Milos just like at the end of Exo-Hunter. Should I read Nazi Hunter Atlantis also, or is there a very specific order all your books should be read? Love your writing by the way, your books are nearly impossible to put down!

    • Muddy Raccoon

      Iz gunslinger! You can read Nazi Hunter Atlantis, and I do recommend it completely. Milos is first introduced in Secondworld, though. There you first meet him, but in NH: Atlantis, you learn how he is able to do what he does (SPOILER: Dimension hopping, not his quickdraw abilities). Also after that you can slide over to the Nemesis Saga, but there you will meet other characters from other stories (Mirror World, The Last Hunter, Xom-B, Didymus Contingency, Raising the Past, subtle nods to Chess Team…I could go on).

      But to answer your question better, NH:Atlantis will give you a good understanding of Milos and his motivations, and what his odd bell can do. It should help, but may be completely unnecessary. I just recommend it.

      But I recommend all the books. There are only 3 I don’t yet own, but only 2 I havent read yet. I thought Nemesis Saga was my fave, but damn if I can’t decide now. Too many characters to love.

      Crap, did I even help? Probably not. Fanboys shouldn’t answer I suppose.

      • pater

        lol thank, helped me out..

  7. Adam Reeb

    I would love to see this world of stories become a television series. The whole time reading The Dark I was picturing Macaulay Culkin as Miah.

  8. Michael Lesser

    Hi Jeremy! Been reading (listening actually) to your boos for a long time and I’m super excited about this concept! Just finished Mind Bullet and am glad I didn’t hear about this first. The surprise crossovers were really fun! Can’t wait to read all of these upcoming stories!

    On a side note: Pretty sure your a gamer, however not sure how old you are so you may not be familiar with Mage: The Ascension role playing game from White Wolf. If you’re not, I encourage you to check out the main rule book at least. The system of magic described has some similarities to yours I think. No “spells” more about convincing the universe that you know better and bending it to your will. Much more fleshed out in the game world of course, however that’s the ultimate core of it.

    Take care and keep up the great work!!

    Mike Lesser
    St. Louis, MO

    • JRobinson

      I am definitely a gamer, but haven’t played Mage yet. I’ll have to check it out. Glad you enjoyed Mind Bullet!

  9. MWatson

    Big fan of Exohunter and Sigler/Chess Team/Continuum series. I don’t see any Sigler crossover in the outline. Will Sigler or any Chess team be in the upcoming series?

    • anon

      Unfortunately I think chess team is done. haven’t heard anything about it for a while and he dodges questions about it

  10. Christopher

    I was pleasantly surprised to see Skippy has found his snarky self in this universe.

    • Jason

      And loved how RC Bray used his skippy voice in Mind Bullet! I think bubbles and skippy banter would be amazing.

  11. Vic

    Loving all the books.. just finished mind bullet and cant wait for Kahos to come out … any idea when it will drop ? stoked !!! thanks for all the great reads just finished Refuge

  12. Nicholas Bennett

    How would someone find a list of every book that is relevant this universe?

  13. Kamen

    Who exactly is Henry masters and is he apart of your other novels?

    • JRobinson

      The only Henry is my books first appears in the novel, TRIBE. He then appears at the end of The Dark, and will be back in Khaos and Singularity, the last of the crossover novels. EDIT: I was thrown by the lowercase “masters” and was focused on Henry from Tribe that I forgot Henry Masters is a character from my novel TORMENT. It’s currently available in e-book. Hardcover and audio are coming in mid-July. Sorry for the confusion!!

      • lsa

        Jeremy, I am confused, not surprising 🙂 I have been wondering about Henry Masters, too….. seems like he appeared MANY times in Will’s “great escape”…. “I’m sorry…….I’m so sorry…” I was so excited when Kamen inquired about him above, I was too embarrassed to admit that I couldn’t remember who he was….?????

        • JRobinson

          Ahh, shoot! I was confused too! The original question had “masters” in lower case and I thought it was a typo! I totally had a brain fart as a result. Henry Masters is from my novel, TORMENT. It’s out in e-book right now. Will be coming out in hardcover and audio mid-July! Thanks for bringing it up again.

          • lsa

            AHHH! Been awhile since I read that one, makes perfect sense!!!! Thanks for your reply!

  14. Sam

    Is the Linda in mind bullet the same Linda in tribe?

    • JRobinson

      My lips are sealed. The answers you seek are in the upcoming novel, Khaos. But also read The Order. 🙂

      • Sam

        The Order was actually the first book of yours that I read and then I found out about the infinite timeline. I’ve now finished the superhuman branch and the regular human branch of the timeline. Let’s just say the last 3 weeks have been very entertaining so thank you and I am so excited for khaos to come out especially if my guess to who the big bad will be turns out correct

        • JRobinson

          Awesome! Funny that you started with the Order. Glad you enjoyed them…even out of order. 🙂

        • Shanna

          Haha! I started with Infinite in bleak 2020 and loved it. Had no idea JR was such a prolific writer. Much later that The Dark was recommended on my audiobook playlist, so I jumped in. I WAS SHOOKETH. I realized there must be some connection to other stories at the Epilogue. Got all my friends on board and we’ve been our own little Infinite Timeline book club ever since.

  15. Missy

    Can’t wait to start these! You are a great author!

  16. Mark

    Could I read Infinite then NPC then Infinite 2 or will I get spoilers if I don’t read every book in order?

    Would it also be okay to read infinite 1 then 2 then NPC?

    • JRobinson

      I would read them in this order: INFINITE, NPC, TORMENT and then INFINITE 2.

      I need to update this page to include Torment, which was added to the timeline after the announcement. It’s out now in e-book. Comes out in hardcover and audiobook on July 26th!

      • Mark

        Thanks, I’ve pre ordered torment on Audible. I really enjoyed infinite.

  17. Aaron Argo

    Your work is amazing and Rob just takes it up to Epic! I listen and wait! Your books can’t get to audible quick enough! Khaos is gonna be my favorite, I can feel it! Thank you for some kind bending fun in my ears. Makes commutes worth every hour!

  18. lsa

    SUPER PSYCHED that you printed THE Infinite Timeline on Amazon’s pre release page for KHAOS! Your brilliance truly gives “binging” purpose 😉 pretty sure I’m not the only JR addict….

  19. pater

    man i started with Infinite, soo good, read the Others, hilarious im from South Central Idaho, now i know where they came from.. checkrd out Exo Hunter.. soo good again..
    after that i got the thing from audio books announcing Infinite 2. looked at your website. i then made a profound discovery.
    it seemd like there was a character from another book, the guy from the Others at the end, sorry i forgot his name..
    Since then im almost done with all but the black covers.. The Order is next but now its The Dark, after MIND BULLET, [ one must sound like RC B]
    long story short, thanks for the awsome ride!

  20. lsa

    Not sure which post to ask this:
    1) When will Khaos printed swag be available? (….drool….)
    2) Is there a chance that Hydra from pulse could ever be commemorated on some swag? (apologize for my diehardness….. Pulse left such an imprint….which brings me to my next question/comment
    3) Wouldn’t it be awesome to resurrect Bishop into some future crossover event in one of your many story lines……? Bish is the character from your imagination that I most identify with.
    4) Oh, ya, and when will Khoas print edition pre- order be available?

    Thanks ! You Rock, You Roll, You Rule!!!!

    • JRobinson

      1) What kind of swag should Khaos have? I’m always open to suggestions.

      2) Lol. And that’s a great suggestion. 🙂

      3) Possibly.

      4) I’m really behind on these comments! Khaos is out now!

      • lsa

        1) Obviously Khaos cover art needs to go on some soft snuggly T-shirts/tanks/hoodies …AND THE original nine headed Hydra Luvie from the Pulse cover…Please… Please….Pretty Please…(sans the soldier in the movie poster concept art)
        P.S. I tried to stay away, really, thanks so much for taking the time to talk the wee ones:) Hope you and family, and The Tribe are well!
        I am Thankful to have you in my imagination:)

        • lsa


          I don’t twitter/FB, but I do “stalk?” and I liked the rendering of Bishop 🙂 ALL of those renderings are AWESOME!

          • JRobinson

            Yeah, I’m having a lot of fun with them.

        • JRobinson

          “Obviously Khaos cover art needs to go on some soft snuggly T-shirts/tanks/hoodies”

          Gonna give this a shot. Not sure if it will translate well to apparel.

          • lsa

            AWESOME ! Fingers criss crossed 😉 hee hee

            BTW… I now proudly own a rockin selection of Hydra swag… I was so psyched that I jumped the gun …totally…pre Black Friday splurge! Wore the orange-on-black hydra muscle tank for a righteous hike this morning in the first storm of December here in the SF Bay Area. Brutally, wonderfully fitting initiation…

            Thanks! You ROCK!

          • lsa

            Hey Jeremy, Happy New Year !!!
            I was wondering if this ever made it to production? Love the Cherry Bomb Coffee art ! We fiends need the mugs to be bigger than 11oz though… need at least 20 oz to get through a good chapter… glug glug glug…

      • lsa

        LOVE the Hydra Swag! Mr. Pickles ? sure… 🙂 heehee … was hoping for the “mother of all monsters”… but he is so damn cute… and helpful…
        YOU ROCK!!!! Thanks! Happy Thanksgiving!

  21. BananaDiorama

    Is Singularity coming out this December as noted above? I see no release date information anywhere on your site, on audible, or anywhere else in the internet.
    What’s the deal?

    • JRobinson

      Nope. And thanks for the reminder to update it. The narrator for the series had to take time off for medical reasons and everything got pushed back a bit. Singularity now won’t be out until MARCH! Egads. Sorry!

      • Hannah

        Thank you for the update. I started when the Infinite branch only had two books in it. Now there are four. I feel like I’m going to have to go back and reread the whole chain.

        In the meantime, I’ve been reading through some of your other books. I just finished the Antarktos Saga and just started Flood last night. Just about every one of your books I’ve read has been an addictive page-turner. I love it!

  22. Sam

    What’s going on with the audio book release date for khaos. I pre-ordered it in July when the release date was October and now it’s Dec 13th? What’s happening? if I would’ve know this would happen I would have bought the print version instead.

    • JRobinson

      No one knew it was going to happen. 🙂 Unfortunately, R.C. Bray (the narrator) had some medical trouble with his throat, which required him to take time off, and pushed back the release of Khaos in audio. Should be good to go now with no more changes. It’ll be worth the wait!!

  23. James

    I love this idea! I have listened to Infinite 1 & 2 and both were great. I just noticed all of his books as the Infinite timeline on Audible and was confused and looked up this site. I do believe I have myself a new set of books to listen to now!

    • JRobinson

      SWEET!! Hope you enjoy them all!

  24. Lidia

    Your books are literally my joy, thank you!

    • JRobinson

      You’re very welcome!

  25. Sam

    Khaos was epic!! Listen to it like 5 times since it released. I was wondering tho, why is jonas’s biological lineage different from what was revealed in mind bullet? I’m hoping it’s not a continuity error but a twist in the story. At least that was my thinking after bubbles says “don’t worry, I won’t tell the others when you’re lying to them”.

    • JRobinson

      I don’t recall changing Jonas’s biological lineage at all! He was born to his…different…parents. Kidnapped by Alpha and Beta, taken again my mom and dad. That story never changed. Unless there is an error I don’t know about, or something was read wrong in the audiobook. But there are definitely some people who would have said something had I changed the story.

      • Sam

        His biological grandparents from mind bullet audio book are now his parents in khaos audio book. So one of the audio books must have an error.

        • Tom

          No, I think you’re misunderstanding. His biological parents are Gaia and Uranus and that hasn’t changed. However, his adoptive, earthly parents are who Jonas is referring to when he says “my parents”. The ones who rescued him from Alpha and Beta and raised him as a human with empathy. This is consistent from Mind Bullet through Khaos (I haven’t read Singularity, yet). His grandmother “Yaya” was the one he was kidnapped from on the beach as a toddler.

  26. Frank

    Love the series! When will Singularity be released in print?

    • JRobinson

      March…21, I believe. Same time as the audio.

  27. J

    Hey Jeremy, I gotta ask, do you have any connection with Australia because as an Aussie I notice quite a few mentions of us down under in your books most recently in Khaos (Echidna obviously) when you mention the movie ‘The Earthling’ set in the outback. I saw that movie as a kid and that RV scene caused many a nightmare. I had not thought of it for decades till your book.

    Love your work

  28. Cath

    I am totally hooked. Started with Mind Bullet then had to catch up on the rest of the Timeline series. At loose ends about what to do next so delighted to see some of the characters are in other books. I’m heading over to Amazon to get Milos story right now. But cannot wait til March 21 for Singilarity!
    PS Bray reading Robinson is a match made in heaven. I look forward to traffic jams now, as I can stay in the alternate universe they created.

  29. Steve

    Love your work. I wouldn’t say unheard of, but rare. Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere comes to mind, but that’s it. And there aren’t many Authors like you guys that can put out so much material that they could build something like this.

  30. BP

    Love all your books and especially the concept of Infinite Timeline. There are obviously looser connections to the Nemesis series and Second World. Do you have a list what other book/series we can see contributing characters from?

  31. lsa

    Print edition of Singularity ETA? Audible pre-ordered back in December….. Need to hold the actual pages in my hands for the full effect….. Thanks JR!!!! You ROCK!!!!

  32. Sandi Auslam

    I started reading with The Dark and then picked up a few others in no particular order. I noticed names and other things popping up from other books and it finally dawned on me that they are tied together! I love it! I feel like I’m in on an inside joke or a secret. Also a huge fan of Nicholas Sansbury Smith, Jonathan Maberry and Craig Alanson so when I heard the little references to Ex Force and my favorite $hothead beer can, I laughed out loud and felt like I was part of a secret club. Thank you for writing all these wonderful stories and for the gallows humor that hits just right.

  33. Matt W

    Just finished Singularity! Thank you for this universe. Started with Infinite, and then jumped around a bit before I realized there was even a time-line order. But, really enjoyed every book nonetheless. And, that is saying a LOT. I am a notorious non-finisher (probably a bit of ADHD, you know how it goes), so if something doesn’t keep my interest I move on. So, to have me follow through on 13 installments is something to be pretty proud of. So, for what it’s worth, be proud. I also wanted to say, I really appreciated the level at which you put yourself into the characters. It definitely made them more relatable than what a lot of authors put out there, even the more over the top characters. So, now that you have my validation, I guess there’s really nowhere to go from there! So, enjoy retirement JR, !!! (Better not!)

    • Matt W

      Oh, and *Spoiler* the Space Balls reference was one of the best payoffs I could have EVER hoped for! Bravo there!

      • JRobinson

        Lol. Glad you enjoyed that. I had a lot of fun writing that scene. 🙂

    • JRobinson

      As someone with ADHD, I understand the struggle and kind of specialize in writing books that keep people with ADHD engaged! Because I’m trying hard to not let myself get bored.

  34. Popcorn

    Good Evening Mr. Robinson!

    I’ve been listening to your books since I started Infinite about 9 months ago. I’m hooked!! I was wondering if there was a map or diagram to help with connection in books? The ones I’m having the hardest time with are the Infinite/Infinite^2 books.

    Also, I thought you’d find it interesting that I’m an officer in the Space Force as an Engineer and Weapons Officer (call sign Popcorn). I thought your Space Force book was a fun read!

    • Ben

      I came here looking for the same thing. I have a pretty bad memory but I am having trouble linking things together (Up to NPC) I recognize the character names in the epilogues but then have to google for 20 minutes to refresh who they are and try and remember where everything linked in. I just finished Exo-Hunter (Accidentally got Exo-Hunter and NPC mixed up in my library so those two are out of order)

    • Popcorn

      Just wanted to say I finished the timeline. It was an incredible journey and I appreciate your honesty and candid approach to your personal life’s influence to the books. Emotional and mental health issues are often stigmatized and go untreated. Books and author notes like yours can make all the difference in someone’s life.

  35. Bob Rutz

    Just finishing Infinite. Very thought provoking and well written.
    For some reason the libraries around the Chicagoland area, (I live in the south suburbs) do not have inventory of your Infinite series.
    So, I have holds on Project Nemesis books and hope to start reading them soon.

    Thanks for “Unity,” —- will provide some feedback.

  36. Russell Paxton

    Hey Jeremy,

    I appreciate the timeline above. Reading Infinite 2 it clearly references some stories not on the timeline. Is there a complete list of all direct and indirectly referenced stories somewhere?

    • Stephen

      Curious – read the Infinite Timeline series and really enjoyed it. I’ve also read some of your other books but I’m curious, do the Tenebris and Lux have a background story? For example – Euphorids – Beneath; apologizing zombies – Torment; etc.

      I realize that Dark (which was great) had some background but it was fast and towards the end. They are then mentioned arbitrarily through some of the other books but maybe I missed something in another series. I enjoy the play on Abrahamic and Greek/Roman religions vs Spirituality. With the Lux and Tenebris apparently representing angels and demons, it just seems skimmed over as opposed to the Titans and Linda 🙂

      Just curious.

      • Joe

        Hey JR, I started with your books, recommended by my father, when I got into reading later in life and he told me to read Chess Team! I loved every book and the side novellas! Once I experienced all of those, I discovered your other novels. I was introduced to Soloman, Cowboy, Nemesis, and several of your other novels characters, such as the South American wonder, Mipanwari? Eutophids, and etc. The Infinite timeline was very exciting! I recommended it to my father but he couldn’t find it in print (no offense RC Bray! My old man just doesn’t like audio books, he wants to read on print). I look forward to everything you put out, but what is a good option to allow my father to experience the Infinite Timeline?

        • JRobinson

          The entire timeline IS available in print, but almost exclusively at Amazon (and B&N online). He won’t find them in physical stores.

  37. Keith S

    I was recommended the Infinite Timeline by a friend and now at the end of Singularity I feel like i have 10+ new friends. All of the characters feel so real. This has been such a joy and I can’t recommend this series enough to others. Thank you JR you and your team are an absolute genius!!

    • JRobinson

      Thank you!!

  38. Kristopher Noyes

    I have to say as a life long fan of anthology in all its forms, this series is truly inspiring in its breadth of genres. But as I continued to absorb each new novel, what impressed me most was the scope of human nature and experience that is covered over the entire series (love,loss,orphanage, ptsd, existential meaning, religion, racism etc)Instead of listing all the varieties of human experiences you touch upon, I just want to ask you a question about them.

    How much of it derives from first/second hand experience and how much is imagination? Is there any subject matter that is close to your heart?

    • JRobinson

      Good question. A LOT of it comes from first hand experience unfortunately, but not ALL of it. For example: Henry. I’ve never been in foster care, never been homeless, BUT I envy his fearlessness. Wish I could have a dose of it every now and then. So whether or not I have personal experience with a subject matter, I’ve probably given it a LOT of thought.

  39. Chris

    Why can’t I find a leather bound set of the infinite series anywhere?
    I can’t even find them all in hard cover 🙁

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