Tag: graphic novel

Project Nemesis Issue #3 – Preview Pages


Nemesis knows if you’ve been naughty or nice, so pick up issues 1 – 3 and hope that it’s a belated Santa Claus you hear scratching on your roof.

Project Nemesis #3 drops tomorrow, but you don’t have to wait to see the two amazing covers and first six pages! Nemesis is a growing girl with an appetite in this issue, getting closer to her full kaiju-sized stage. Witness the destruction! The horror! Once again, the art is by Matt Frank, colors by Deigo Rodriguez, and variant cover by Bob Eggleton.

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How do you follow up Ax Cop? A Hoard of Mutating Attack Bears!

A Review of Bearmageddon: Book One
By Christopher Ouellette

There are a lot of ultra-violent comic books, but they are not Bearmageddon.
Bearmageddon is the first ‘book’ of a graphic novel, currently presented as a web comic.
Ethan Nicolle, best known for creating Ax Cop with his then 5-year-old brother, has now put his art skills in line with his storytelling and they are a tour de force of paneled action. A group of early twentysomething, well-meaning slackers give up on society to live in the woods. This would be all well and good if it had not coincided with the bears of the woods joining forces to wipe out mankind. On top of that, they are mutating with other animals. The corpse of an octopus/bear is found. We soon run into a bear with the skin flaps and gliding talents of a flying squirrel. I feel like I’m seeing all of Daniel Peterson’s theories about the Eco Monstrous being dramatically illustrated in the context of a fast paced, well developed story.

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Kick Down Some Skyscrapers with Godzilla

A review of the Godzilla: Rulers of Earth
comic book series

By Kane Gilmour


Godzilla_Rulers_of_Earth_Volume_1IDW recently wrapped up their Godzilla: Rulers of Earth comic book series, which followed a 12-issue Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters series and a 13-issue Godzilla series. While I did not read either of those two series, Rulers caught my eye because at 25 issues, it was the longest-ever Godzilla series, and because the art by Matt Frank (with the occasional assist or relief issue by Jeff Zornow*) was simply gorgeous. The question is, at 25 issues (or 6 trade paperbacks), is the series worth it? Read on.

I realize there are bound to be three categories of readers for this series.

  • Cat 1 are casual readers with little to no knowledge about Godzilla or the 30(!) films for the character.
  • Cat 2 readers will be like me, those who have watched many or even all of the films, but may not have read all the comics and might not be able to tell the difference at a glance between Battra and Megaguirus—but they at least know it’s not Mothra.
  • Cat 3 readers can probably tell you the issue, page, and panel number (from memory) of the first time King Ghidorah appeared in a comic book. I’ll try to address how each audience will react to the series.

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