Tag: apocalypse machine (Page 1 of 2)

Why You Should Review Books You Love

Amazing Book
Reading a novel is, for many (myself included), a personal experience.

We get lost in a story, experience pain, loss, anger and victory along with characters that we (hopefully) come to care about, as though they were real. And when that experience ends, we miss our new friends and want their fictional lives to continue. Like, now. With the characters and plot still fresh in our minds we *might* tell a friend about it. You know the one. That rare breed who reads novels as voraciously as you do. And then…


The subject might come up again six months later, when your reader friend finally gets around to reading the novel, but your excitement is waning because you’re still waiting for a sequel that may or may not be on the way. A year passes. Then two. What is taking the author so frikkin’ long to write the next book?! It was amazing. How could there not already be a sequel?

Eventually you decide to take matters into your own hands and e-mail that author. He/she probably won’t reply (I will), but maybe your e-mail will spur them into action.

I get these e-mails. A lot. For Jane Harper. For Refuge. For Flood Rising. I even get them for books that were never meant to have sequels. And my response is always something like this: (Insert book title) needs to sell better before I spend a LOT of time and money writing and publishing a sequel. The best way you can make that happen is to post a review on Amazon.

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Jeremy Robinson Starts the Apocalypse…Machine


The last four months represent the longest stretch of time in which I have not released a new book in the past five years. What did I do with all that free time? Well, I wrote and prepped the reason for this blog post: Apocalypse Machine. That doesn’t mean I typically release novels so quickly after writing them. In fact, there are four other novels that were completed before Apocalypse Machine, all of which will be released throughout the year. But I was so excited about this book, and how it came out, that it was bumped to the front of the line and is kicking off 2016 in a big way…in a really big way. So let’s get to it!

The Apocalypse Starts Here

Every now and then, I write a novel that gets me a little more pumped than usual. These are usually stories that not only have the same mix of action, mythology, science and monsters as all my books, but bring a little something extra to the table. They’re books that, while still crazily paced, are driven by characters the reader really cares about, and might even tug at the heart strings. So if you enjoyed novels like The Didymus Contingency and The Last Hunter, you’re going to love Apocalypse Machine. And for you action junkies, there is insanity galore, with destruction matching or beating the events of Antarktos Rising, Project Nemesis, and Hunger.

Apocalypse Machine is being released in print (trade paperback and hardcover) and as a Kindle Exclusive, which means it won’t be available on Nook, Kobo, etc… right away. There has also been a slight delay with the hardcover, so if that’s the version you want (and it’s a sweet package), it should be available by the end of the week. As for the Kindle Exclusivity, most of my books are sold via Kindle, and making the books exclusive allows me to partner with Amazon to market the book in unique ways. If you’re on a different e-reader, the book will eventually be released everywhere, but for now, the very cool print book is available.


*There is a slight delay with the print editions. The hardcover will be live later this week, and while the trade paper is currently live, it’s not in stock yet. I suspect it will be fully available by the end of the day. 



A chain of subglacial volcanoes erupt in Iceland. The melting ice floods the countryside. Poisonous gas descends on Scotland. A tsunami devastates the Norwegian coastline. An ash cloud rises into the atmosphere, blotting out the sun across Europe, ushering in a new Ice Age. Dozens of nuclear power plants, flooded by ocean water, experience meltdowns. Millions perish. Many more are displaced. All on the first day.

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Prepare Thyself For Fictional Insanity

So, I release a good number of books every year, and 2016 is no different. BUT, it’s looking like it will be one of the most epic years for my novels. Not only are several series continuing, we’re also launching two new series and a stand alone of monstrous proportions. To celebrate the string of new novels, I’ve put together the video above, which reveals what’s coming and when (though all dates are subject to change). In order of release, the new novels for 2016 are:

Apocalypse Machine (a new stand alone Kaiju Thriller) – March 1

Empire (8th Jack Sigler Thriller) – April

Feast (Book 2 of the Hunger series) – May

Unity ( kaiju vs giant robot story ) – June

Centurion (book 3 of the Jack Sigler Continuum series) – August

Helios (book 2 of the Cerberus Group Thrillers) – September

Project Legion (book 5, and the epic finale of the Nemesis series) – October

Viking Tomorrow (first book in a new post-apocalyptic Viking Berserker Saga) – November

The Apocalypse is Coming…in TWO WEEKS. But You Can Read the First Two Chapters Now!


Are you ready for the apocalypse?

apocalypse-machine-coverThis is one of my most epic novels to date, and that’s saying a lot. I’ve destroyed civilization before. I’ve doomed the planet. But this time, I’m taking the Kaiju Thriller genre and blowing up the scale to tell a kind of monster story that has never been told before. Where Nemesis takes us on a classic giant monster journey, Apocalypse Machine treads new ground. How? There are two answers to that question.

First, did you think Godzilla (2014) would have been even better if it remained character driven by Bryan Cranston? Of course you did. Everyone did! That’s why I made sure that it was the human characters driving the story forward. The plot might revolve around a giant monster, but it’s the complicated and very real characters who will keep you turning pages. Second, Apocalypse Machine will be the first kaiju novel to be released as a hardcover novel (in the U.S. anyway–not sure about overseas). When it came time to package the book, anything less than a hardcover didn’t do its epic scale justice (though it will also be available in e-book). Your next question is no doubt, “Aren’t you a cocky bastid?” which is then hopefully followed by, “When is it coming out?”

In answer to the first question, “A little.” But I only talk like this when I’m confident I’ve written something special. And to the second question, I say:

Apocalypse Machine drops on March 1, 2016!

It will be available in hardcover everywhere books are sold (your best bet is to order online when it’s released–no pre-order) and in e-book, exclusively on Amazon for the first few months. Sorry to non-Amazon users.

Now then, on with the sample chapters!





T.S. Elliot got it wrong. The end of the world doesn’t begin with a bang, or a whimper. It begins with a toe prick.

“God damn, son of bitch!” Kiljan Árnason falls to his side, the blow cushioned by layers of clothing and a thick down jacket. He clutches his boot, hisses through his teeth and swears again, “Mother fuck! What was that?”

The four people with him—three scientists and myself—have a good laugh at his expense, not because we’re sadistic and enjoy seeing people in pain, but because our long-bearded Icelandic guide has done us the courtesy of cursing in English. His thick accent somehow transforms his broad, 6’4” tall, hair-covered frame into something adorable, rather than fearsome. His Viking ancestors might have split us in half with an ax for laughing at him, but as he rolls on his back, still clutching the boot, Kiljan chuckles along with us.

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A chain of subglacial volcanoes erupt in Iceland. The melting ice floods the countryside. Poisonous gas descends on Scotland. A tsunami devastates the Norwegian coastline. An ash cloud rises into the atmosphere, blotting out the sun across Europe, ushering in a new Ice Age. Dozens of nuclear power plants, flooded by ocean water, experience meltdowns. Millions perish. Many more are displaced. All on the first day.

On the second day, a series of earthquakes moving in a straight line, reveal the presence of something massive, walking across the landscape. Concealed by a thick, radioactive ash cloud, the ‘aberration’ heads west, toward Russia.

Abraham Wright, a science writer for Modern Scientist, who wants nothing more than to be reunited with his family, finds himself at the center of the United States’ response to the crisis. Under his new title as Assistant Science Advisor to the President, Wright is sent to Europe with a team of Army Rangers, where he uncovers the truth about the ancient behemoth laying waste to the world: there have been five mass extinctions on planet Earth, and the aberration has been present at each.

On the third day, the world fights back.

And loses.

Separated from his family by continents and oceans ravaged by countless disasters and populated by strange new life, Wright struggles to survive in an evolving world. Hoping to uncover the key to mankind’s redemption, he fights for answers, and to reach his loved ones—before the human race’s extinction.


Jeremy Robinson returns to the Kaiju Thriller genre he popularized with the largest Kaiju to ever appear in fiction: the Apocalypse Machine.  Bursting with all the epic action, desperate struggle and complex characters that readers have come to expect, Robinson takes the world to the brink once more, pitting humanity against the greatest threat he has yet to conjure, and asking the question: Does humanity deserve to inherit the Earth, or is our time up? 

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