Tag: kaiju thriller (Page 1 of 2)

The Divide – What Would You Risk for Freedom?

A few years ago I released a novel about a giant monster: Project Nemesis. While it was far from my first foray into writing about monsters, or even large monsters, it was my first attempt at writing what is known as kaiju (strange beast in Japanese). In the past, the genre was relegated to movies, TV and comic books. With Nemesis, I successfully brought the genre to the one form of storytelling it had yet to crush beneath its massive heel: novels. Thus, the “kaiju thriller” was born and there have since been several novels by other authors released in this fledgling (but growing) sub-genre. Since the release of Nemesis, I have released one kaiju thriller per year, including all five Nemesis books, Apocalypse Machine, Unity and now…The Divide!

If I had to compare it to any of my previous kaiju thrillers, I’d say it’s most like Apocalypse Machine. The story deals with some pretty broad and potent subjects while introducing a new and horrible monster: the Golyat. Trust me, you wouldn’t want to encounter the Golyat in a dark alley…or broad daylight. But some of the people living in New Inglan, who are desperate for the freedom once enjoyed by the people of the United States, are willing to risk everything to find out what, if anything, exists beyond the Divide.






No one remembers how the Divide was created. The miles-deep and miles-wide chasm has existed for hundreds of years, protecting what remains of humanity from the Golyat: a creature whose shadow moves across the horizon at sunset.

Davina, daughter of Jesse, is a shepherd. She spends her days guiding herds of deer through the forests of New Inglan, protecting them from predators, herding them away from the Divide, and ensuring the tribe of Essex has meat when needed. While many shepherds die in their first year-from the elements, from injury, or in the jaws of a wolf-Davina is resilient.

Having just slain a mountain lion, Davina returns to her village to discover a hunting party has been sent out in search of the Modernists, a group fascinated with the past, the technology that once filled the world, and what lies beyond the Divide. To keep the Modernists from reaching the Divide’s far side, and revealing humanity’s presence to the Golyat, the hunters will torture and kill them all. Including Davina’s teenaged son.

Davina strikes out, intending to ensure her son’s death will be quick and without torture. Reaching the island of Boston first, Davina confronts the Modernists and finds herself incapable of taking her son’s life. Captured by the enemies of Essex, she is transported across the Divide, along with her son and the Modernists.

For the first time in five hundred years, humanity steps foot on the Divide’s far side. Stranded with the enemy, Davina must fight to keep them all alive, herding people instead of deer, while uncovering the truth about humanity’s past, and her connection to events that reshaped the world.




When Project Nemesis launched in 2012, my goal was to make Nemesis a household name, but I had no idea the novel would spawn 5 novels, a comic book, a (cancelled) video game and…more to come…in just a few years. The only reason these things became possible is because Nemesis has the best fans imaginable, many of whom send me art on a regular basis. So, to thank all of you, I’ve put together a little video. You guys are awesome, and whatever is next for Nemesis (hopefully something kaiju sized) its only possible because you all have been there from the start.

The Nemesis Saga Ends with PROJECT LEGION… Or Does It?

A month ago I announced that several of my series would be coming to an end, in part because the stories have reached natural ending points, and like the best TV shows, I want to end their runs before they become hum drum. Better to go out on a bang, I think. The Nemesis Saga is the first of those stories to reach its finale, and it’s the mother of all finales, crossing over with a good number of my other novels, and series, some of which have already ended. This is a bittersweet newsletter, but I think once you read the epic craziness that is Project Legion, you’ll agree that it’s the perfect way to end the most successful Kaiju Thriller series in American literary history. So let’s jump right in to the book description, followed by crossover details.


The fifth and final Nemesis novel completes the story arc started in Project Nemesis… Wait, no, that’s not accurate. The story arc for Project Legion was started TEN years ago, in my second novel, Raising the Past. That’s right, for the past ten years, I’ve been seeding the plot for Project Legion, hinting at clues along the way and revealing the story in a larger way, starting at the end of Project Hyperion, which connected the dots. And now, with Project Legion, I bring together characters from several novels, starting with my very first to some of my most recent. I don’t link all 50+ novels, but there has NEVER been a literary crossover event like this outside of comic books. For more details on the crossover, and which novels are linked to Project Legion, check out the next article.

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UNITY – Fight for Earth…Together.


Are you a natural born leader with a strong sense of self?
Are you afflicted with the sudden urge to give your unfiltered opinion?
Do you recognize that some situations require immediate action, like a punch to the face, and then words?point-symbol

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be a Point, represented by the red-tipped Unity logo, and destined to lead a Unity team of your own. That is, if you survive long enough to prove yourself.

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Jeremy Robinson Starts the Apocalypse…Machine


The last four months represent the longest stretch of time in which I have not released a new book in the past five years. What did I do with all that free time? Well, I wrote and prepped the reason for this blog post: Apocalypse Machine. That doesn’t mean I typically release novels so quickly after writing them. In fact, there are four other novels that were completed before Apocalypse Machine, all of which will be released throughout the year. But I was so excited about this book, and how it came out, that it was bumped to the front of the line and is kicking off 2016 in a big way…in a really big way. So let’s get to it!

The Apocalypse Starts Here

Every now and then, I write a novel that gets me a little more pumped than usual. These are usually stories that not only have the same mix of action, mythology, science and monsters as all my books, but bring a little something extra to the table. They’re books that, while still crazily paced, are driven by characters the reader really cares about, and might even tug at the heart strings. So if you enjoyed novels like The Didymus Contingency and The Last Hunter, you’re going to love Apocalypse Machine. And for you action junkies, there is insanity galore, with destruction matching or beating the events of Antarktos Rising, Project Nemesis, and Hunger.

Apocalypse Machine is being released in print (trade paperback and hardcover) and as a Kindle Exclusive, which means it won’t be available on Nook, Kobo, etc… right away. There has also been a slight delay with the hardcover, so if that’s the version you want (and it’s a sweet package), it should be available by the end of the week. As for the Kindle Exclusivity, most of my books are sold via Kindle, and making the books exclusive allows me to partner with Amazon to market the book in unique ways. If you’re on a different e-reader, the book will eventually be released everywhere, but for now, the very cool print book is available.


*There is a slight delay with the print editions. The hardcover will be live later this week, and while the trade paper is currently live, it’s not in stock yet. I suspect it will be fully available by the end of the day. 



A chain of subglacial volcanoes erupt in Iceland. The melting ice floods the countryside. Poisonous gas descends on Scotland. A tsunami devastates the Norwegian coastline. An ash cloud rises into the atmosphere, blotting out the sun across Europe, ushering in a new Ice Age. Dozens of nuclear power plants, flooded by ocean water, experience meltdowns. Millions perish. Many more are displaced. All on the first day.

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