Who’s a Good Boy?! You are! Oh, yes you are! GOOD BOYS by Jeremy Robinson – Available Now!

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Dogs. What can I say about them? Historically, a lot. They have played a major role from the beginning of my life until now, nearly 50 years later. They have comforted me in my darkest hours. They have wrestled, chased, and fetched and scared the shit out of us.

1984 – Buddy boy Paisley Robinson fell through the ice on a frozen pool. My brothers, our friends, and I were sledding in the Flynn’s backyard. The owner of the pool poked her head up over the fence and said, “I think your dog is in our pool.” We ran around and saw Buddy struggling to stay up in the frigid water. Happily, we rescued him from the pool, carried him up the hill on a makeshift stretcher (a sled), and got him in the station wagon before all nine of us piled in and drove him, through a snow storm, to the emergency vet. Buddy survived but it was a VERY close call.

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The COMIC BOOKS are coming!















If you made it here from Free Comic Book Day in Rochester, NH, thanks for snagging a poster or card! If you want to stay up to date on all the comic books in the pipeline, be sure to sign up for the newsletter. I only send them out when new books are coming out, and the comics should start hitting store shelves in late 2024. No exact dates, but we are in talks with a well known publisher and are hoping to tag team these bad boys with them. When that’s done and announced, I’ll do a proper post about the comics. For now, you’re just getting the Issue 1 covers.* Click on each image to see a larger version.

*The Project Nemesis image is not an actual cover. It’s actually just the artist’s first SKETCH of Nemesis!

I’m super proud of Breakneck’s (my publishing company) team of artists: Tiago Palma, Mario Santoro, Augustin Padilla and Manuel Rodriguez, along with our badass editor, Kane Gilmour. With the exception of Nemesis, these are brand new Jeremy Robinson stories, one of which (1001) I’ve been working on for 30 years! If things go well, I’ll be making comics for the next 30.

— Jeremy

POINT NEMO by Jeremy Robinson – Visit for the mystery. Stay…because you’re probably dead.



POINT NEMO is a very different kind of book, and I’m not just saying that in a ‘toot your own horn’ kind of way. I mean for me personally. Typically, I jump right into a story and let it evolve as I write. POINT NEMO is different because the first twelve drafts of this story were a screenplay. I had amazing input from my manager, Jeffrey Belkin, and from Amanda Lewis at Original Film (producers of the Project Nemesis TV series). Their notes helped refine this story, adding twists and turns, unique perspectives, and nefarious ideas. So, when I started writing the novel, I had a detailed 120-page outline to follow. As a result, if the screenplay defies the odds and gets made as a movie, no one will be able to complain that they’re too different. Every scene that should be in the movie is in the book.

And I’m thrilled with the result of this collaborative effort. It took three years of writing and editing to get it to you, and as a result, I’m both sick of it, and very proud of the final product. It’s a thrilling story overflowing with science, bizarre creatures, a unique setting, and wonderful characters I still care about, and I think you will, too.

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