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It’s KHAOS! KHAOS, I tell you!


*Audiobook listeners. R.C. Bray told by doctors that he needed to take a break to save his voice. Thus, the release of Khaos in audio has been delayed until December 13. Another newsletter will be released on that date. That said, you can still pre-order it now!

Okay, back to business.

Where do I even begin to talk about the madness that is Khaos? How about the books that brought us to this point. There are spoilers below, so if you haven’t read this far in the Infinite Timeline, scroll down to learn everything you need to know, read those books, and then come back here. 🙂

First came Tribe. It was one of the most action-packed, bonkers novels I’ve written featuring Greek gods, demigods, a cult, Japanese sukeban, and grandmother cleaning-lady assassins. And it introduced us to Henry–one of my wildest characters to date–who feels no fear, and Sarah, whose strength becomes the stuff of legend.

Next came The Dark, which, as the title suggests is one of my most dark and twisted stories combining mythology about hell with a very personal view of an alien invasion. This story gave us Miah, aka: Laser Chicken, the compassionate hero with a heart of gold and a pair of laser wings to boot. It also introduced Bree, aka: Demon Dog, an eight year old girl whose ability to transform into a demon make her fearsome and savage.

Last, we dove headlong into the insane life and antics of Mind Bullet, following a telekinetic assassin and his friends as they are pursued by a treasure trove of hilariously psychotic killers, uncovering his complicated past and unbelievable parentage along the way. Jonas, the assassin, who has a sarcastic wit and untapped potential, is joined by Bubbles, an AI with a grudge against ducks and developmental trajectory propelling her toward sentience.

And now…they’re all coming together for a book that could only be titled Khaos. Not just because of the word “chaos” but because they are en route to the mythological land separating Earth from Tartarus–the perilous land between worlds known as Khaos. So let’s dig right into this!

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TORMENT is REBORN! Available now!

Discover the answer to the only question that matters—Are. You. Ready?


When I started working on the Infinite Timeline, I knew how many books I wanted to include. By the time I was halfway through the Timeline books, I knew exactly which books would be included in the crossovers and eventual epic finale, SINGULARITY. Well, I THOUGHT I knew. But I write by the seat of my pants. I don’t outline. I don’t plan. Often times I get to know my main characters as I write them. My critics would say that’s obvious, but I think it’s also why my fans like my books. They’re often unpredictable, because even the author doesn’t know what’s going to happen, sometimes not until the second I write it.

And that’s what happened here. TORMENT was a novel I wrote in 2010. It wasn’t supposed to be part of the Infinite Timeline, but then along came the wild, unplanned plot of INFINITE 2, and I suddenly had a pathway not just to TORMENT, but to all of my previous novels. Now, I didn’t use enough from the other books to make them a part of the Timeline, but TORMENT becomes a central focus, and thus it became the last entry into the INFINITE TIMELINE, thirteen years after its release.

But wait, there’s more! As a Jeremy Robinson fan, you might be saying to yourself, “I don’t remember a novel named TORMENT…” Well, that’s probably because twelve years ago, I was publishing a ton of books, and none of them came close to being as…graphic and dark…as TORMENT. So it was released under the pen name, Jeremy Bishop. Now, graphic and dark are pretty much par for the course. So we’re re-releasing the book under my name with a brand-spanking new cover, updating the audio edition, and releasing it in hardcover for the first time!

Speaking of the Infinite Timeline…

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The time has FINALLY come! I get to announce ONE of SEVERAL Hollywood projects that are in the works. And holy forking shirt balls, it is a big one. Like…kaiju sized.

That’s right folks, as reported in Deadline... 

PROJECT NEMESIS, is in development as a TV series!!!

Chad Stahelski (director of John Wick 1 – 4) is at the helm, and if that isn’t awesome enough, it’s being produced by Original Film AND Sony Pictures Television (the team behind The Boys, SWAT, Preacher and Happy!). Below, along with some awesome Nemesis art, I’ll tell you how all this came about, where things are, and where we’re headed.

“I can’t say how excited I am to help bring Jeremy Robinson’s Project Nemesis to the screen. From the first moment I started reading it, I was hooked. This amazing book series has everything I love about the genre: martial arts, action, great characters, and of course, Kaiju!” — Chad Stahelski, director of John Wick 1 – 4


This all began so long ago I honestly don’t remember the year. But it was about six years ago, in September, when I got a call from director Chad Stahelski. He’d read Project Nemesis, and being a fellow kaiju fan with Massachusetts roots, he fell in love with the story. So much so that he wanted to create a series based on it. We spoke for about an hour, with him laying out his vision for the series…which matched perfectly with my own. I was on board, 100%.

And then, the waiting began. It was two years before Chad would go into Original Film for a meeting about the Highlander movie he’s directing and casually mention Nemesis. When he left that meeting, we had producers attached, and shortly after, SONY was on board. Thus began the years-long contract negotiations during which I met with Chad several times, and was lucky enough to attend the John Wick 2 and 3 premieres. Finally, a year ago, the contracts were squared away and signed. And since then–really for the past six years–I’ve been bouncing off the walls, dying to tell EVERYONE that this was in the works. And now here we are, and I’m freaking out. Hopefully, you are too!


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THE ORDER is Here!

The Infinite Timeline has been so long in the making that it seems really strange to be in the final stretch, finally releasing the first of three crossovers. Honestly, I’m a wee be petrified. Doing one crossover is a gamble, because it means that your audience needs to be caught up on the previous books to fully enjoy the crossover. But doing THREE?! 2022 is going to be a massive roll of the dice. Happily, the audience for all the books in the Timeline is significant, and the opportunity to see characters from different books interact is fun. I know I had fun writing it. But we’re starting out strong with one wild story and equal parts action and hilarity.

Speaking of the Infinite Timeline…

In case you don’t know… The Infinite Timeline brings together nine standalone novels, many with overlapping epilogues, that all take place in the same universe. Picture the MCU, leading up to Endgame. We start with nine loosely connected novels, merge into two separate crossovers and then collide, everything together, all at once in one insane book titled SINGULARITY.

THE ORDER is the first of the three crossovers, featuring characters from THE OTHERS, FLUX, and EXO-HUNTER.

So, prepare yourself for some madness, gobs of sci-fi action, and more laughs than you can shake a screaming goat at. Things are about to get nuts, like Michael Keaton wielding a fire poker. “You want to get nuts?! Let’s get nuts!”

To see how the whole timeline connects, I direct you to this handy-dandy post detailing everything.

The next installment of the Infinite Timeline is THE ORDER, which is…


When two galactic forces collide—one spreading chaos, the other demanding order—New York Times and #1 bestselling author, Jeremy Robinson, defends Earth with characters from three of his fan favorite novels: The Others, Flux, and Exo-Hunter.

Mysterious gateways are appearing throughout the universe, bridging violent civilizations, leading to war, and sowing chaos. While some species succumb to the pandemonium, the Chut’un forge an unholy symbiotic relationship—The Order—with red Europhids, a vast hive intelligence populating the universe’s far reaches. Desiring structure and fearing the unknown, they cull everything opposed to their plan, including the Europhids’ blue counterparts, carrying out a galactic genocide until only one blue Europhid remains…inside Moses Montgomery, aka ‘Dark Horse.’

As a Rapid Reaction Force Marine from 1989, Dark Horse and his team were sent 1000 years into the future where they defeated the Union, an evil fascist empire. Back in the present, after preventing the Union from ever forming, Dark Horse and his team of…unique operators from the past and the future are ready to kick back, listen to some tunes, and enjoy the timeline they saved.

But as the last threat to The Order’s machinations, Dark Horse finds himself with an alien target on his back. Joined by Dan Delgado and Wini Finch (The Others), and Owen McCoy (Flux), the team attempts to understand the gates that first appeared in New Hampshire, and now in Antarctica. Despite their vast experience with the strange and otherworldly, none of them are prepared for what comes next. Three members of the team are abducted, whisked away to another planet. Alive or dead, no one knows.

Dark Horse and his now rag-tag team struggle to track down their missing teammates while being hunted themselves. With the fate of his friends—and all of Earth—hanging in the balance, Dark Horse is forced to take insane risks, create chaos, and do anything to get his people back.


Robinson is at his best when combining elements of science-fiction, horror, and edge-of-your-seat action, laced with unpredictable humor. The Order is the perfect marriage of these elements, telling a story that is, at times, moving, and at others, laugh-out-loud outrageous. The Order is pure entertainment from a New York Times and #1 bestselling author with an unparalleled imagination.



THE ORDER has been narrated by the indefatigable R.C. Bray, the voice behind nearly all of the Infinite Timeline. Once again, he has brought my characters to life, made my jokes funnier, and captured the book’s tone, providing an experience unlike any other. If you’re a reader, I recommend reading as you normally would, but if you really love the story and want to experience it again, give the audiobook a listen and hear the book in a new–and extremely entertaining–way.


The ONLY reason something as ambitious as a universe of books with three crossovers is remotely possible is because I have badass, mofo fans. You guys have been spreading the word, posting reviews, and helping boost sales for the Timeline books, ensuring that what I’m trying to pull off moves forward. Well, we’re full steam ahead now. There’s no stopping us. But keep the reviews coming, and let’s make this universe impossible for Hollywood to ignore. The dream would be multiple series on a streaming service, mixed with a few movies, all coming together for three insane movies. Can you imagine?! I can. Now we just need to get their attention.

If you want to make sure you’re one of the first people to find out more, see the new covers, never miss a release date, and hear about the Hollywood news that’s brewing, come join the Tribe on Facebook. It’s a 2000+ member group of fans (and myself) talking about the books. Hope to see you there!

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