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IDW recently wrapped up their Godzilla: Rulers of Earth comic book series, which followed a 12-issue Godzilla: Kingdom of Monsters series and a 13-issue Godzilla series. While I did not read either of those two series, Rulers caught my eye because at 25 issues, it was the longest-ever Godzilla series, and because the art by Matt Frank (with the occasional assist or relief issue by Jeff Zornow*) was simply gorgeous. The question is, at 25 issues (or 6 trade paperbacks), is the series worth it? Read on.
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Two weeks ago, I skipped three big cons: Thrillerfest in NYC, San Diego Comic Con, and G-Fest (for Godzilla fans, many of whom are Nemesis fans). And as I watched the photos scroll in on Facebook, I wondered, why didn’t I go to any of those cons? “Because you don’t like flying and you don’t sleep well in hotels,” is the quick response from the surface of my mind, and both are true. I’m not the best traveler, and after a convention, no matter how fun it is, I’m off my A game for a good two weeks afterwards. But I’ve gone to conventions before. I’m not incapable, and I will go to cons in the future, maybe even next year. So why didn’t I go this year?
Because I’ve got my eyes on the prize. I spent that week of missed cons writing 20,000 words and getting ahead of schedule, which is where I like to be. And honestly, I probably had as much fun writing those 20,000 kaiju-filled words as I would have had at a con.
Before we go any further, I’m going to acknowledge that “keeping your eyes on the prize” sounds like motivational speaker talk, but I’m far from a motivational speaker, life coach, or member of the glee squad. Despite how corny it sounds, if you were sitting across from me and we were having a conversation about what I’m about to jump into, I’d be perched forward, elbows on knees, and talking to you with a straight face. Why? Because this stuff is serious. Life changing, even. Excuse me for a moment while I go flagellate myself (in a non-Fifty Shades of Grey way, sicko) for sounding like a motivational speaker again.
The amazing cover image for the PROJECT NEMESIS comic book was leaked last night and is already getting shared via social media, so I am here to confirm the rumors and supply the details. First and foremost, yes, PROJECT NEMESIS is being faithfully adapted into a 6 issue comic book series. The first issue will be released in late Sept/early Oct (I don’t have any exact date yet) and then released as a collected graphic novel. And I have a feeling this will be the first of many comics to come.
So, who is on the team? First, the book is being published by Famous Monsters of Filmland’s new comic book imprint, American Gothic Press. Famous Monsters has been immensely supportive of my monster fiction and our teaming up makes all kinds of monstrous sense. The interior art is being done by none other than Matt Frank himself, famed Godzilla artist and the the guy who lent his expertise to the design of Nemesis. His work has appeared in every Nemesis novel to date, and no one can draw her more authentically than Matt. Matt will also be doing covers for all six issues.
“But what about this painted cover?” you ask. “That looks more like…”
“Bob Eggleton!” I blurt, unable to contain my excitement. I’ve been a fan of Bob’s ever since I snagged a copy of Who’s Afraid of Godzilla with my kids. And now I get to work with him. So cool. Bob is doing variant covers for all six issues of PROJECT NEMESIS, meaning there is a lot more amazing art to come.
As for the writer, that’s me. So while some things had to be trimmed from the story to fit the format, have no fear. Anything cut or added remains true to the story and spirit of the novel. And the additions should add a few nice surprises for those who have already read the books.
To stay up to date on the comic book’s release date and get more sneak peeks at the art, be sure to sign up for the newsletter (on the right side of the page), which will also get you a free copy of THE LAST HUNTER – DESCENT, which if I get my way, might also have a comic book series some day.
It’s hard for me to explain how pumped I am about this. Long before writing novels, I was a comic book illustrator. I majored in illustration in college, and after college worked on illustrating and writing (briefly) some indie comics. While I eventually became more writer than artist (though I still design covers for myself, as well as other authors and publishers) I never gave up the hope that my work would one day be fully realized in the comic book format. That day has finally come, and I’m amazed at the results so far. Big thanks to Matt, Bob, Phil, Ed and the rest of the gang at Famous Monsters!
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