While 2016 was a rough year for me personally (outside of the dismay shared by the world last year), 2017 is already turning around. Last week, I was cleared of a brain tumor and life altering disease a doctor previously told me I had. The chaotic emotions that plagued my summer, caused by some kind of chemical imbalance, has faded. And big things are afoot…that I can’t yet talk about. What I CAN talk about is Centurion, the third and likely final Continuum book.
Why the last?
When things got rough over the summer, I realized I had been pushing myself too hard for a long time. In 20 years, I had taken exactly zero vacations. Over the next year (maybe two) all of my series will come to an end, mostly to create open patches in my schedule when I can relax, and to let me focus on standalone novels which are the more creatively rewarding (and better selling). More on that another time. Let’s get to the fun stuff!
When Kane and I first came up with the idea of (Omega spoiler ahead) sending King back in time, forced to live out multiple lives to return to the present and save his friends, it was an eye-popping epiphany. The possibilities were endless, mixing adventure, history and the strange in a way that few authors can pull off. I knew I didn’t have time to pull off the series on my own, but I also knew an author who was perfect for the job: Kent Holloway, whose Ezekiel Crane books I adore.
Happily, Kent agreed to take on the rather daunting task of following King through time and has created three fantastic novellas exploring unique times and places throughout history. Centurion is both historically interesting, and gruesomely horrific, with an ending that is not only awesome, but also feature’s a cookie that readers of all my books might spot.
A.D. 102. Two men–centurions in the Roman Legion–are locked in an eternal battle with destiny. One is a fugitive, driven mad by the deeds of his past. Haunted by a demonic force that has tortured him for more than half-a century, he fights to retain his sanity long enough to separate himself from civilization.
The other is Jack Sigler, Callsign: King, a former Delta operator torn from the present and hurled into the pages of history. King must endure the long journey through the ages in order to be reunited with his loved ones in the world he knows.
When the plagued Centurion cuts a swath of destruction from Jerusalem to Britannia, entire villages are destroyed, the bodies of the dead torn apart, becoming part of something larger, something ancient and evil. When King crosses path with the Centurion, and sees the decimation caused by his affliction, he stands in the path of history once more, willing to fight, and sacrifice to save the innocent.
Jeremy, do you know wen Centurion will come out in iTunes/iBooks?
Congrats on the good medical news!! Can’t wait to read this on my trip overseas this weekend!
Thoroughly enjoyed. I’ve enjoyed your talent and respect your grown-up decision to enjoy the smell of roses. If you have a beta-list of readers or find the for an organic philanthropic (i.e., talented yet free true reader) editor, please, keep my name in a safe, handy place.
Ditto on congratulations for good medical news! Have thoroughly enjoyed your series – all of them. Looking forward to the adventures to come.
One more thing – I take it the original Bishop will stay happy in current surroundings???
I can’t promise anything… 🙂
Hi Jeremy, I’m glad things are going well for you now after such a scary 2016. You definitely need a break in your life to enjoy your family. So…you will be ending the Chess Team series…I must say I will miss them immensely. The personalities & adventures you created for them have been awesome, & Ripley was an ingenious adversary. I look forward to seeing how it all turns out. All the best to you, Jeremy.
So very happy about your good medical news but my burning question is any idea on release date for Helios
If the Chess Team Series is ending, what happens to the ex-president, as he was still kidnapped at the end of the last book? Are you going to leave the series there?