Tag: Continuum

CENTURION – The Final Continuum Novella is Here!

While 2016 was a rough year for me personally (outside of the dismay shared by the world last year), 2017 is already turning around. Last week, I was cleared of a brain tumor and life altering disease a doctor previously told me I had. The chaotic emotions that plagued my summer, caused by some kind of chemical imbalance, has faded. And big things are afoot…that I can’t yet talk about. What I CAN talk about is Centurion, the third and likely final Continuum book.

Why the last?

When things got rough over the summer, I realized I had been pushing myself too hard for a long time. In 20 years, I had taken exactly zero vacations. Over the next year (maybe two) all of my series will come to an end, mostly to create open patches in my schedule when I can relax, and to let me focus on standalone novels which are the more creatively rewarding (and better selling). More on that another time. Let’s get to the fun stuff!

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Jack is Back! The Continuum Series Continues.

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Two years ago, I wrapped up a long running story arc in the Chess Team books with the novel OMEGA, but as a casualty of that storyline, King was trapped three millennia in the past, and he was made temporarily immortal. He would need to live through the ravages of history until he caught up with the team and his family in the present. I thought it would be fun to look at some of his adventures during that time with standalone novellas, showing different slices of history and King’s way of dealing with those time periods. Of course, because it’s me, he would also have to face mythological or supernatural creatures along the way. Last year I released GUARDIAN with my co-author, J. Kent Holloway. It was the first of the Jack Sigler Continuum series of adventures, and it found King in ancient Babylon, a young immortal and facing a very otherworldly threat.

Today, I’m happy to announce PATRIOT, the second adventure in the Continuum series of novellas, once again co-authored with Kent. This adventure brings you a very different King, after he’s weary from facing the world for centuries, and he’s chosen a very unique way of passing the time.

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