Author: JRobinson (Page 2 of 30)

For the wages of sin is…NEMESIS – New Book Release!


The Goddess of Vengeance is never far from my mind. Between the continuing stream of amazing fan art and the impending TV series, the big girl won’t let me avert my gaze for long. The result is that I started wondering what the world might have been like if Nemesis had been a part of it since she first emerged thirteen years ago. Nemesis is the answer. It is a dark, action-packed, and humorous story where sacrifice is part of every day life. I’m thrilled with how this novel came out, hope it gets a movie adaptation someday, and can’t wait to hear what you all think of it. Be sure to post a review and help Nemesis take the book world by storm. Then I’ll get to write another one!

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THE HUNGER TRILOGY – Yummy Yummy in my Tummy

In the wake of SINGULARITY, the epic conclusion to the Infinite Timeline, only one question remains. Are you hungry for more?!

Of course you are! And to that end, I have good news, HUNGER: THE COMPLETE TRILOGY has been released today! That’s right, this bad boy is three novels released as one Mega-Novel. You might be wondering why the heck I decided to release the third Hunger book, FAMINE, as part of a larger book, rather than as a standalone novel. Okay, maybe you aren’t wondering. But I’m going to pretend you are and explain.

When HUNGER and FEAST were released way back when, I had so many books coming out that I decided to experiment with pen names. HUNGER and FEAST were released under the pen name Jeremiah Knight. And guess what?! They didn’t sell as well as they would have under my actual name. Shocker. And in audio, they sold even slower. So, when it came to releasing the third and final Hunger book, it made sense to bring them all under the Robinson name and start fresh from a sales perspective. And we’re doing it with your budget in mind! The e-book and audiobooks will cost the same for all three books, as Book 3 would have on its own. The print book will cost more, but that’s just because there are more physical pages. Our profit will remain the same. So if you have the first two books, please know that publishing this way is not a money grab.

And now that I’ve explained all of that super exciting information…on to the good stuff!


HUNGER is one of my favorite novel concepts. There is so much room for post-apocalyptic creativity that my imagination really enjoys hanging out in this world, even if it is a pretty frightening place. Getting back into the story after a few years away was like visiting family. There might have been a few awkward moments as I reconnected with the characters, but it wasn’t long before we were back in sync and having chaotic fun. Whether you read all three books back to back, or jump straight in at FAMINE, I think you’ll agree that I took full advantage of every potential opportunity for madness. And if you’re a fan of my books, you know that’s a good thing.

In fact, I’ll let you in on a little secret. I’ve always loved HUNGER so much that I wrote a screenplay based on the series, and not only did it come out awesome, it’s also been in development for a feature film for more than a year. Not going to say any more than that. It might very well be in “development hell” now, but the possibility for a film is real. If you’d like to see that, please help make the HUNGER: THE COMPLETE TRILOGY a hit by spreading the word and posting reviews. Getting some real attention on this book can only help things.

Now, on to the story!

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I’ve been working on the Infinite Timeline for so long that it feels a bit surreal that it’s coming to a close. There’s a sense of relief that I pulled it off, but now it’s release day and I’m feeling a bit squirrely as I await the public’s response. If you’ve read the whole Timeline and love Singularity, please spread the word, not just about this book, but the whole Timeline! I’d love for the concept of a world of books to catch on, but it can’t do that without you, {First Name}. That’s right, I just called you out by name. So post the book’s images, the trailer (below), the banner above, or just share this whole dang e-mail. Let’s make the world notice (or at least the rest of Craig Alanson’s fans)! Now that I’ve humbled myself before you and beseeched your aid, let’s get to the dang book!


What kind of person decides to create an overlapping universe of interconnected books that culminate in four massive crossovers novels?

A. Someone very smart.
B. Someone very dumb.
C. Someone who thinks they are very smart, but are actually very dumb.
D. All of the above.

I’ll give you a hint. It’s the same grade I got in Spanish. Seriously, this was…an undertaking. It put my creativity, memory, and commitment to the test like nothing I’ve done before. It’s sometimes hard to keep track of a handful of characters. Singularity has how many main characters in one story? I haven’t even bothered counting, but the number doesn’t compare to the level of continuity to keep track of, pull together, and make gel. It was daunting, and incredibly fun. As I got to know the characters, I became fond of spending time with them, and watching how they interacted and got along. Hopefully, you’ll have the same familial feeling that I do with all of these characters when you’re done reading Singularity. If you’ve been waiting for this book to come out, you might have already skipped past all this, so I’ll cut my thoughts short here and get to the good stuff!

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Robinsonfest started in 2015. A group of very determined readers pressured me into holding a weekend-long gathering. We were just thirteen people back then, and the first Fest was held in Portsmouth, NH. The weekend was full of great food, good fun, and a lot of laughter. We decided to make it an annual thing, and it grew each year. Over the years we’ve done all manner of crazy things from Laser Tag to boat rides to exploring locations in the novels to making a short film!

St. Augustine, Florida, USA.

Until 2020, that is, when we put the event on pause for the pandemic.

But now Robinsonfest returns! And larger than ever!

And to celebrate our return, we decided to do something we hadn’t before: hold the event outside of New England. That’s right, this time we’re heading to St. Augustine, Florida! And the itinerary is packed with activities. To check out all the details….

…make with the clicky, right here, right now!

And if you want to join us, be sure to sign up soon! Registration closes on March 30th! We hope to see you there!

KHAOS Audio! And a Secret Book!

That’s right folks. The KHAOS audiobook is finally available! If that’s why you’re here, go ahead and order it now! But keep reading, because I’ve also just released a SECRET BOOK that no one knew I was making.

“Whhhhaaaaa?” you say. “Who makes a book in secret and then releases it just a few weeks before Christmas when it’s questionable it will arrive in time?!”

Me, fool! That’s who! Just scroll down and behold.

Okay, back to business and KHAOS. The Audiobook has been released and after a brief hiatus to protect his golden vocal chords, R.C. Bray is back in the studio, bringing us the supremely recorded release of KHAOS. This one is ear honey, people. Okay, that sounds gross, but you get it. Even if you’ve already read the book, you will love how Mr. Bray brings it to life.


To save mankind…they must raise the gods.

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