Tag: FC-P

The Nemesis Saga Ends with PROJECT LEGION… Or Does It?

A month ago I announced that several of my series would be coming to an end, in part because the stories have reached natural ending points, and like the best TV shows, I want to end their runs before they become hum drum. Better to go out on a bang, I think. The Nemesis Saga is the first of those stories to reach its finale, and it’s the mother of all finales, crossing over with a good number of my other novels, and series, some of which have already ended. This is a bittersweet newsletter, but I think once you read the epic craziness that is Project Legion, you’ll agree that it’s the perfect way to end the most successful Kaiju Thriller series in American literary history. So let’s jump right in to the book description, followed by crossover details.


The fifth and final Nemesis novel completes the story arc started in Project Nemesis… Wait, no, that’s not accurate. The story arc for Project Legion was started TEN years ago, in my second novel, Raising the Past. That’s right, for the past ten years, I’ve been seeding the plot for Project Legion, hinting at clues along the way and revealing the story in a larger way, starting at the end of Project Hyperion, which connected the dots. And now, with Project Legion, I bring together characters from several novels, starting with my very first to some of my most recent. I don’t link all 50+ novels, but there has NEVER been a literary crossover event like this outside of comic books. For more details on the crossover, and which novels are linked to Project Legion, check out the next article.

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Project Nemesis Issue #3 – Preview Pages


Nemesis knows if you’ve been naughty or nice, so pick up issues 1 – 3 and hope that it’s a belated Santa Claus you hear scratching on your roof.

Project Nemesis #3 drops tomorrow, but you don’t have to wait to see the two amazing covers and first six pages! Nemesis is a growing girl with an appetite in this issue, getting closer to her full kaiju-sized stage. Witness the destruction! The horror! Once again, the art is by Matt Frank, colors by Deigo Rodriguez, and variant cover by Bob Eggleton.

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