PATRIOT by Jeremy Robinson and J. Kent Holloway


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The year is 1775, and the first rumblings of the American Revolution are only just being felt. But the War for Independence may be over before it even begins. When General George Washington learns of a daring expedition by British troops to discover a place of ultimate power—and the key to immortality itself—he knows that to salvage the war effort, his forces must get there first.

And to find the legend, Washington must employ a legend. Rumors of an ageless pirate who has haunted the high seas for more than a century abound. General Washington commissions an expedition to find and hire the immortal pirate, Lanme Wa—the Sea King—who has been stretched to the point of breaking, and who wants nothing more than to be left alone.

Their mission will not be easy. In a Caribbean world filled with voodoo, giant pythons, mischievous spirits and an army of mindless creatures who could live for millennia, the privateers of the Continental Navy might have bitten off more than they can chew.

Jack Sigler, an immortal Special Ops soldier stuck in the past, forced to live through thousands of years of history to return to his family in the present, is back in this second Continuum thriller from Jeremy Robinson and J. Kent Holloway, who once again boldly re-imagine history.



  1. Matthew James


  2. Wim Biemans

    This looks awesome! But I’m still hoping that King will get to meet Elvis… 😉

  3. Enrique

    I recently started reading the chess team books. Great reads! I just finished Omega, looking forward to the rest, I hope more adventures come out from King’s time in the past.

  4. Connie Terhorst

    Please tell us does Patriot have a actual release date besides just September? Can’t find it anywhere but here.

    • JRobinson

      You know what, September isn’t even right! It’s October, and I THINK it’s October 20. The schedule has shifted since this page went live, so I need to update it. Thanks!

      • Connie Terhorst

        You actually answered me!!!!!!! I’m in shock you are only the second author to do so if you only knew what it means to feel like you actually matter and not just your money. Thank you so much and please don’t stop writing under any name!

        • JRobinson

          I TRY to reply to everyone. Between Facebook, Twitter, blog comments, e-mails, etc, some probably slip through the cracks. But I try. 🙂

          • Connie Terhorst

            You actually answered me!!!!!!! I’m in shock you are only the second author to do so if you only knew what it means to feel like you actually matter and not just your money. Thank you so much and please don’t stop writing under any name!

  5. Connie Terhorst

    Again Thank You. I have read all of your books under any name but do have one question is Bishop finally going to find what he is looking for? Please say yes.

    • JRobinson

      You know I can’t answer that! 🙂

  6. Richard St John

    I saw this on amazon as a digital release, will this get a printed publication? I really do prefer to hold a book then an ereader.

    • JRobinson

      There will be a print edition, hopefully out at the exact same time as the e-book. And there might be a pre-order for it up soon. MIGHT. Takes a little more work to get print books in pre-order.

      • Richard St John

        Thank you for responding, and Im very happy! Plus if no preorder or anything, that doesnt bother me. Love your books, so Ill buy when its available regardless! Keep up the great story telling Sir!

  7. James

    Will there be an audible version ? Thanks

    • Kane Gilmour

      Jeremy’s editor here. Yes, there will be an audible/iTunes audio version, but they’ll take some time.


  8. Richard St John

    Just pre-ordered from Amazon, can’t wait for this to get in my hands!

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