If you’re here, it probably means you’ve read my novel, The Dark. Hope you enjoyed it! I was inspired by Bree’s codenames for herself and Miah, and envisioned it as a comic book. I teamed up with Columbian artist, Juan Kijo, to create character sketches and a mock comic book cover for Demon Dog and Laser Chicken…a comic book that doesn’t actually exist, but I think would be fun. Below you’ll find the finished cover, (art by Juan, colors and logos by me) and beneath it several of the sketches that Juan and I whittled down to perfection, mostly using Google Translate and some human translation provided Rene Ramirez.

- First Sketches, Miah looking a little sinister.
- Early Bree with Wings and Horns!
- Bree in PJs
- Miah’s Sword Mix-up
- Just in case Miah was female.
- Miah Refined
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