The Antarktos Saga is a five book series based upon the universe created in the novel, ANTARKTOS RISING. The first book, DESCENT, takes place twenty years before ANTARKTOS RISING and the third book, ASCENT, merges to the two story lines. The fourth and fifth books of the Antarktos Saga will finish both story lines.
The Saga Continues! Jeremy Robinson has teamed up with Tori Paquette to bring you The Last Valkyrie, a tale of Antarktos.

I’ve been told that the entire continent of Antarctica groaned at the moment of my birth. The howl tore across glaciers, over mountains and deep into the ice. Everyone says so. Except for my father; all he heard was Mother’s sobs. Not of pain, but of joy, so he says. Other than that, the only verifiable fact about the day I was born is that an iceberg the size of Los Angeles broke free from the ice shelf a few miles off the coast. Again, some would have me believe the fracture took place as I entered the world. But all that really matters, according to my parents, is that I, Solomon Ull Vincent, the first child born on Antarctica—the first and only Antarctican—was born on September 2nd, 1974.
If only someone could have warned me that, upon my return to the continent of my birth thirteen years later, I would be kidnapped, subjected to tortures beyond comprehension and forced to fight…and kill. If only someone had hinted that I’d wind up struggling to survive in a subterranean world full of ancient warriors, strange creatures and supernatural powers.
Had I been warned I might have lived a normal life. The human race might have remained safe. And the fate of the world might not rest on my shoulders. Had I been warned….
This is my story—the tale of Solomon Ull Vincent—The Last Hunter.
What used to be Antarctica is no more. Shifted to the equator, the continent, now known as Antarktos, has thawed and bloomed. Endless ice has given way to lush tropical jungles, and all the people now living here are protected and led by Solomon Ull Vincent, the Last Hunter and King of Antarktos. My father.
I’ve been told that all the creatures of Antarktos, exotic and untamed, howled at the moment of my birth. If that wasn’t intimidating enough, I’ve also been told that I was born to be a hunter, that the blood coursing through my veins destined me to fight mankind’s most ancient enemy—the Nephilim, half-human, half-demon monsters determined to exterminate humanity.
My older sister, Aquila, thinks it all sounds glorious, but I don’t want it. Any of it. I prefer charcoals and a drawing pad to my Norse hammer. So I choose to ignore the stories. My heritage terrifies me. But when Aquila is kidnapped and dragged to the underworld to be broken and corrupted, our guardian, Zuh, is severely wounded and my father isn’t there to save them—I’m the only one who can.
From the monster-filled caves beneath Antarktos to the halls of Valhalla, I must embrace my heritage, face the fears that hold me hostage and save my sister before she kills our father. To save my family, and Antarktos, I must become a hunter, or perhaps something more…
My name is Norah Kainda Vincent, the Last Valkyrie. This is how my story begins.
International bestselling author, Jeremy Robinson, is joined by his youngest co-author ever, Tori Paquette, as they delve into the dark and mysterious world of Antarktos, hailed as the “new continent of terror,” by New York Times bestselling author James Rollins. Praised by action-adventure and thriller greats such as Steve Berry, Jeff Long, Steve Alten, Stel Pavlou and Scott Sigler, the Antarktos Saga continues in The Last Valkyrie, uncovering dark secrets, sinister evils and the true strength of a young woman.
THE LAST HUNTER – DESCENT (Book 1 of the Antarktos Saga)
I’ve been told that the entire continent of Antarctica groaned at the moment of my birth. The howl tore across glaciers, over mountains and deep into the ice. Everyone says so. Except for my father; all he heard was Mother’s sobs. Not of pain, but of joy, so he says. Other than that, the only verifiable fact about the day I was born is that an iceberg the size of Los Angeles broke free from the ice shelf a few miles off the coast. Again, some would have me believe the fracture took place as I entered the world. But all that really matters, according to my parents, is that I, Solomon Ull Vincent, the first child born on Antarctica—the first and only Antarctican—was born on September 2nd, 1974.
If only someone could have warned me that, upon my return to the continent of my birth thirteen years later, I would be kidnapped, subjected to tortures beyond comprehension and forced to fight…and kill. If only someone had hinted that I’d wind up struggling to survive in a subterranean world full of ancient warriors, strange creatures and supernatural powers.
Had I been warned I might have lived a normal life. The human race might have remained safe. And the fate of the world might not rest on my shoulders. Had I been warned….
This is my story—the tale of Solomon Ull Vincent—The Last Hunter.
THE LAST HUNTER – PURSUIT (Book 2 of the Antarktos Saga)
I was thirteen years old when I was kidnapped. They took me from my family, from my friends—from everything I knew, and stole my innocence. They brought me to a world beneath the surface of Antarctica, where I was broken and trained by a hunter named Ninnis. He served the ancient Nephilim: half-human, half-demon monsters. My personality was buried in my subconscious and replaced by that of Ull, a hunter and killer. For a time, I too served the Nephilim. As the first and only human born on Antarctica, they believed that I could contain the spirit of their fallen king, Nephil, and lead them to conquer humanity.
But I was stronger than they knew and escaped deep into the underworld, where I have been hiding for the past two years. I live in a cavern, which is somehow lush with green vegetation, eking out a living and cowering from the confrontation that I know awaits me. But the nightmare has found me. I can smell them. The hunters. They have discovered my hideout.
The pursuit of Solomon Ull Vincent—the last hunter—has begun. And if they catch me, this is where my story will end.
THE LAST HUNTER – ASCENT (Book 3 of the Antarktos Saga)
I no longer exist. My kidnapping, breaking and corruption at the hands of the half-human, half-demon Nephilim began the journey to nothingness. I had hoped to one day rejoin my loved ones in the outside world, but before I realized it, twenty years had passed. Time is a distance I cannot traverse. If there is any memory of me, it is distant. Worse, the spirit of Nephil, Lord of the Nephilim, used my connection with the continent to decimate the surface world. I’ve done horrible things in the past, but I’m now responsible for the deaths of billions. Billions. God…
And so I have removed myself from the physical world, and Nephil’s reach, to live out eternity in Tartarus, a place of endless torture where the burden I carry crushes my soul, driving me to madness. I am weak and cold. My abilities are gone. And I am not alone in this hell. There are things here more horrible than I could have imagined.
But as much as I think I deserve this fate, I’m driven to find a way to escape. To exist again. To return to my new family—Em and Luca. To set things right. I am Solomon Ull Vincent—The Last Hunter—and I will exist again.
*The Last Hunter – Ascent parallels the events in Antarktos Rising. Read them together for the full experience. The final two books in The Last Hunter series will complete both storylines as they merge.
THE LAST HUNTER – LAMENT (Book 4 of the Antarktos Saga)
In all the days since my kidnapping, breaking and transformation into a hunter at the hands of the half-human, half-demon Nephilim, my life has been a mass of chaotic actions and reactions to the horrors of the Antarctic underworld. I have battled unnatural monsters, fled for my life, and sacrificed everything—or thought I had, when I stepped through the gates of Tartarus. Every choice I have made was in response to forces beyond my control, lacking any kind of direction.
But now, reunited with my friends, Kainda and Em, and in the company of new friends, Wright and Kat, I am taking control of the chaos and choosing my own direction—down. Deeper than the realm of Hades, the most feared of the Nephilim, deeper than the gates of Tartarus and deeper than any human being has ventured since the beginnings of the human race.
My goal is simple—find the Jericho shofar, a weapon revealed to me by Chronus the Titan. I don’t know what it does or how it works, but I know the Nephilim fear it and that Nephil, possessing the body of Ninnis, will do anything to stop me from recovering it. The path will be dangerous and the cost might be great, but my path is clear: retrieve the shofar, return to the surface and prepare for war.
My name is Solomon Ull Vincent—the Last Hunter—and I am done running.
THE LAST HUNTER – ONSLAUGHT (Book 5 of the Antarktos Saga)
The past few years have been a mixture of torture, painful growth and sometimes, pushing its way through all the darkness—joy. I have made friends and allies, brothers and sisters, mentors and…Kainda, who is something else entirely. But someone is missing, someone whose memory saved me from despair—Mirabelle Whitney, my hope. So while the human race prepares to defend itself, I ride toward the encroaching Nephilim army intending to save Mira, return to our feeble base and lead the charge against those who plan to wipe the human race from the face of the Earth.
It sounds like an impossible plan, and maybe it is, but if we’re going to die, we’re going to die like hunters—boldly and bravely. More than that, we’re going to die together, as a united race facing a common enemy. Nationality no longer matters. Ancient grudges are forgotten. The human race must resist as one, or face extinction. And now it falls to me, along with Kainda, Em, Mira, Kat, Merrill, Aimee and Luca, to light the path for humanity in our darkest hour. Harnessing the power of the ancient Jericho shofar, we must prevent Nephil, the most ancient and evil of the Nephilim from possessing my body and using its supernatural abilities against mankind.
The odds are stacked against victory. The Nephilim out-size, out-power and outnumber us ten to one, but we will fight to the last, the very last, so help me God.
I am Solomon Ull Vincent—the Last Hunter and King of Antarktos—and I am prepared to face my fate.
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