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The COMIC BOOKS are coming!















If you made it here from Free Comic Book Day in Rochester, NH, thanks for snagging a poster or card! If you want to stay up to date on all the comic books in the pipeline, be sure to sign up for the newsletter. I only send them out when new books are coming out, and the comics should start hitting store shelves in late 2024. No exact dates, but we are in talks with a well known publisher and are hoping to tag team these bad boys with them. When that’s done and announced, I’ll do a proper post about the comics. For now, you’re just getting the Issue 1 covers.* Click on each image to see a larger version.

*The Project Nemesis image is not an actual cover. It’s actually just the artist’s first SKETCH of Nemesis!

I’m super proud of Breakneck’s (my publishing company) team of artists: Tiago Palma, Mario Santoro, Augustin Padilla and Manuel Rodriguez, along with our badass editor, Kane Gilmour. With the exception of Nemesis, these are brand new Jeremy Robinson stories, one of which (1001) I’ve been working on for 30 years! If things go well, I’ll be making comics for the next 30.

— Jeremy

For the wages of sin is…NEMESIS – New Book Release!


The Goddess of Vengeance is never far from my mind. Between the continuing stream of amazing fan art and the impending TV series, the big girl won’t let me avert my gaze for long. The result is that I started wondering what the world might have been like if Nemesis had been a part of it since she first emerged thirteen years ago. Nemesis is the answer. It is a dark, action-packed, and humorous story where sacrifice is part of every day life. I’m thrilled with how this novel came out, hope it gets a movie adaptation someday, and can’t wait to hear what you all think of it. Be sure to post a review and help Nemesis take the book world by storm. Then I’ll get to write another one!

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Robinsonfest started in 2015. A group of very determined readers pressured me into holding a weekend-long gathering. We were just thirteen people back then, and the first Fest was held in Portsmouth, NH. The weekend was full of great food, good fun, and a lot of laughter. We decided to make it an annual thing, and it grew each year. Over the years we’ve done all manner of crazy things from Laser Tag to boat rides to exploring locations in the novels to making a short film!

St. Augustine, Florida, USA.

Until 2020, that is, when we put the event on pause for the pandemic.

But now Robinsonfest returns! And larger than ever!

And to celebrate our return, we decided to do something we hadn’t before: hold the event outside of New England. That’s right, this time we’re heading to St. Augustine, Florida! And the itinerary is packed with activities. To check out all the details….

…make with the clicky, right here, right now!

And if you want to join us, be sure to sign up soon! Registration closes on March 30th! We hope to see you there!

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