Novel series are all the rage. Some authors spend their entire careers writing about the same character, or team of characters, getting into and out of one predicament or another. Why? Because it sells. When walking into a bookstore, or browsing online, familiarity sells. Because consumers are risk adverse. We want to know that what we’re spending money on is exactly what we’re looking for. That’s why there are twenty-five Jack Reacher novels and nine Fast and Furious movies.

But there’s a new kid on the block, and I’m not talking about Donnie Wahlberg.

A few years years ago, after writing several series, including the five-book Nemesis Saga, the five-book Last Hunter saga, and the Jack Sigler thrillers, which are composed of ten novels and eleven novellas, I publicly declared that I was done writing series. Mostly because I get bored writing about the same characters over and over, and if I’m bored, you’re bored. It was at this time that I adopted a new (to novels) theory of long-term storytelling: Worlds, not series.

I’ve been a comic book guy most of my life, and I started my creative career as a comic book artist/writer who shifted to screenwriting and then to novel writing. Most comic book series inhabit the same universe under the umbrella of whoever publishes them (Marvel, D.C., etc.), allowing for crossovers and massive comic book events like The Infinity Gauntlet and Secret Wars. If you’re not a comic book reader, but this sounds familiar, it’s probably because over the past decade, Marvel has brought this method of epic storytelling to movies as well. They started with solo characters (Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America), and then they brought those characters together with others in The Avengers movies while, on the side, they introduced audiences to even more characters (Spider-Man, Black Panther, Guardians of the Galaxy, Doctor Strange,and Ant-Man) all of whom came together for the two-movie Infinity War/Endgame event.

This kind of full-world storytelling is normal for comic books. It’s new for movies, but it’s clearly successful. And as far as I know, it’s unheard of in the realm of original novels. I first experimented with this in the final book of the Nemesis Saga: Project Legion. I brought together characters from most of my previous books, plucking them out of their individual dimensions to face a threat against all dimensions. But before that novel, most of these characters lived in separate worlds, which got me thinking… What if I wrote a bunch of stand-alone novels or short series and had them populating the same universe?

Over the past five years, I’ve written almost exclusively stand-alone novels, all with clear beginnings and endings. But most of them take place in the same literary universe called the…

The bridges between these novels have been growing stronger and more blatant with each release. At first, the connections were as simple as a character from a previous novel appearing in the epilogue of another, but now groups of characters are meeting, stories are blending, the web drawing them together is more complex, and it’s all leading to a massive crossover.

Right now, there are nine merging novels and the overarching plot bringing them together is slowly coalescing. The novels currently coming together are The Others, Flux, Tribe, NPC, Exo-Hunter, Infinite, Infinite2, The Dark and the upcoming novel, MIND BULLET. This is STAGE ONE, and will be complete with Mind Bullet’s release in November, 2021.

STAGE TWO brings together two groups of characters from several novels for two separate crossover stories. The first group merges characters from The Others, Flux, and Exo-Hunter, for THE ORDER, a sci-fi thrill ride on Earth and beyond. The second group pulls characters from Tribe, The Dark, and Mind Bullet, taking this superhuman team into the underworld for a fantastical and horrific tale, titled KHAOS.

And all of this sets up STAGE THREE. A single novel, bringing together the casts from all nine novels, for a massive spectacle titled: SINGULARITY. The story will follow a vast cast, facing threats that have been building behind the scenes for the past several years, bridging science-fiction, mythology, and horror. Along the way, there will be plenty of action, a lot of laughs, a few tears, and a mind-blowing finale that has been five years in the making.


#1 Audible and New York Times bestselling narrator, R.C. Bray brings the Infinite Timeline to life, narrating 11 of the 12 books, all of which are top 100 bestsellers on Audible. Two of the books–The Others and Exo-Hunter–are #1 bestsellers! The Others also won a SOVAS Award and an Independent Audiobook Award, both for Science Fiction.


Below are links to buy every Infinite Timeline book currently available, each of them in audio, print, e-book, and Kindle Unlimited. Mind Bullet arrives in November, followed by The Order and Khaos in 2022, and Singularity in 2023.