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It’s that time of year again, when a new novel hits the virtual and real life shelves of bookstores across North America. “But,” you say, “You have books out like every other month! What makes this one special enough to get a ‘that time of year’ intro?” Good question! While I do release many novels in e-book and paperback, I only have one hardcover release per year that’s available online AND in physical stores. And its fate is pretty much sealed, for better or worse, in the first six weeks of sales. So I shout a little bit louder about these books and prod for social sharing. Pretty please with Hydra on top!

Now,  let’s get Crazy!

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MIRRORWORLD is one of the most action-packed novels I’ve ever written, and that’s saying a lot. It’s also one of the most creative, containing monsters of my own creation that aren’t simply a rehash of well known beasties (zombies, vampires, myths, etc…). The main character, who has no sense of fear (physical or social) is fun because his words and actions are often totally unfiltered and unpredictable. But he’s also more flawed than many of my characters, and despite his fearless nature, is in some ways, easy to relate to. But enough of me blathering on about the book I wrote. Here’s the summary! Check it out for yourself, and if you dig it, spread the word. If you don’t, spread the word anyway!

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